Perry Foundation Current PhD Studentships

2024 Zoe McFarlane Glasgow Exploiting recent advances in plant biology to develop drought-resistant crops [see initial report]

2024 Matthew McLeod Sainsbury Lab Cambridge Alternative cereal root symbioses to support the UK’s sustainable crop nutrition

2023 Joseph Leaper  Worcester University Ecologically intensifying UK vineyards to enhance their sustainability

2023 Piotr Kaszniki  Essex University Photosynthesis and water use in wheat ears

2023 Patrick McClean  Rothamsted/Herts Investigating fungal spore production in UK arable crop systems under current and future environmental conditions

2023 ClaireWheeler University of Hertfordshire Clostridioides difficile in UK pigs and risks to the food chain

2022 Fareed Bhatti  Rothamsted /Nottingham Univ  Strategies for management of eyespot in cereals

2022 Laura Giminez Molina University of Hertfordshire  Light leaf spot resistance in oilseed rape

2021 Cristina McBride-Serrano Lancaster University Can increased plant diversity restore soil-associated ecosystem services in agroecosystems experiencing variable rainfall patterns?

2021 Scott Ewing Glasgow University Improving Crop Quality Using LED Lighting in Vertical Farms