Perry Foundation PhD Studentships from 2001 to 2022
2018/21/22 MPhil/PhD Sean Brierley Salford University Novel tools for exploring the epidemiology of tick-borne infections of livestock in the UK
2022 Emily Erland - Bristol University - Bioplastics for regenerating degraded soils
2021 Evren Bingol University of Hertfordshire Understanding interactions between Leptosphaeria maculans and L. biglobosa for improving control of phoma stem canker on oilseed rape
2020 Laura Sapelli University of Hertfordshire/ADAS Understanding host resistance to improve control of light leaf spot on winter oilseed rape in the UK
2020 Adam Peter Reading University Apples in a Warmer World: Understanding potential effects of climate change on fruit production to mitigate impacts for food and nutritional security
2020 Alexandra Milliken Essex University Natural variation in pea photosynthesis and water use efficiency
2020 Jenna Shaw Harper Adams Investigating the chemical ecology of aphid hyperparasitoids
2019 Rebecca Hoyle Liverpool University Co-infection and integrated control of liver fluke and rumen fluke
2018 (plus 1 year extension) Sarah Shepperd Reading University Soil chemistry and soil meso/mircrobiota diversity under diverse forage mixtures
2018 Caroline Best Harper Adams Stamping Out Lameness: An Investigation into Hoof Conformation and Vaccination
2018 Rosalind Humphreys University of St Andrews Integration of dropping behaviour by pests into integrated pest management
2017 Dimitra Aggelopolou University of Nottingham, Understanding the role of photoprotection in disease resistance to Septoria tritici blotch in wheat
2017 Alexander Kemp Nottingham Trent, Development of novel approaches to assess and improve skeletal development in laying hens
2017 Helen Brabham Sainsbury Lab Dissecting Multiple Pathogen Resistance in Barley
2016 Robyn Rhule-Samuel University of Herts Improving the nutritional value of vegetables in ready-to-eat foods - from the farmer to the consumer
2016 Rebecca King Newcastle University The effects of farrowing environment and management on sow behaviour and piglet survival and performance
2016 James Price University of St Andrews Investigating the activation and infection of the potato cyst nematode
2015 Joseph Crosby Harper Adams Identification of Fusarium resistance within UK oat breeding lines
2015 James Stevens University of Essex Understanding Water-Use Variation in Elite Barley Varieties
2015 Harika Gajula University of Herts Understanding R gene-mediated resistance against Leptosphaeria maculans for effective control of phoma stem canker in oilseed rape
2014 Amey Brassington, University of Nottingham, Developing effective trace-element supplementation strategies in commercial sheep flocks.
2014 Joanne Atkinson University of Northumbria, Mapping, characterising and targeting acaricide resistance in the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae.
2014 Shona Strachan James Hutton Institute , Pyramiding resistances to Potato Cyst Nematodes to produce potato cultivars with durable and broad-spectrum resistance
2013 Lauren Perrin University of Salford, Epidemiology of tick-borne infections of livestock in the British uplands. [see project details]
2013 Thomas Sewell, University of Herts, Effects of fungicides on interactions between phoma stem canker pathogens, severity of epidemics and oilseed rape yield (collaborative project with ADAS and DuPont) [see project details]
2012 Georgia Mitrousia, University of Herts, Understanding the durability of resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) in oilseed rape. [see project details]
2012 Frederick Steinmeyer, Reading University, Wheat flowering: keeping cool under stress. [see project details]
2012 Edward Marr, Moredun Research Institute, The development and use of RNAi technology for selective gene silencing and vaccine candidate identification in the sheep scab mite Psoroptes ovis. [see project details]
2011 Richard Bridgett, Keele University, The isolation and identification of feeding stimulants within honey bee pollens. [see project details]
2011 Dorota Dobrzanska, University of Warwick, Using bio-adhesive and bio-inert surfaces to stabilise and influence microbial growths in Anaerobic Digesters. [see project details]
2010 Claire McArthur, Moredun Research Institute, Development of tools to detect the sensitivity of cattle nematodes to anthelmintics. [see project details]
2009 Alexandra Parker, Lancaster University, More "Crop per Drop": Aerial remote sensing for precision irrigation management in UK potato production
2009 David Kane, Cranfield University, Evaluating phosphorus availability in soils receiving organic amendment application using the Diffusive Gradients in Thin-films (DGT) technique [Read Submission]
2008 Kevin King, Nottingham University, Origins of Rhynchosporium secalis epidemics on barley crops [Read Report]
2008 Rachael Smith, Moredun Research Institute, GTP cyclohydrolase function in parasitic nematode development
2007 Mohammad M. H. Khan, Newcastle University, Novel supplements to enhance forage utilisation and reduce nutritional wastage in sheep
2007 Sarah Barlow, Newcastle University, The effect of invertebrates on the plant communities in upland hay meadows
2006 Lynne Melkie, Moredun Research Institute, Mucosal responses to Telodorsagia Circumcincta infection in sheep
2004 Jennifer Kennedy, Scottish Crop Research Institute, Mycorrhizal fungi in agriculture
2004 Karen Wonnacott, University of Nottingham, Nutritional regulation of ovarian function for optimum fertility in dairy cows [Read Report]
2003 Louise Jane Cleary, Seale Hayne Campus Plymouth University, Exploring the potential use of UK barley grains (High Beta Glucan) in human food products [Read Report]
2003 Christos-Antonis Tsourgiannis, Seale Hayne Campus Plymouth University, The interrelationship of pre and post-weaning feeding behaviour in pigs (part funding)
2003 Aurelie Bovi, University of East Anglia, Identifying novel plant genes required for RNA silencing in Arabidopsis thaliana
2001 Emma Morley, University of Salford, The use of molecular biological techniques to investigate the transmission of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii in commercial sheep flocks [Read Report]
2001 Sylwia Adamiak, Scottish Agricultural College, Nutritional regulation of ovarian function for optimum embryo development [Read Report]
2001 Jane Hollywood, University College London, Biological control of late blight of potatoes [Read Report]